Ehime University

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Ehime University is in the capital city of Matsuyama.  The facility we toured contained the primary and junior high teacher programs which accept a total of 160 students in their undergraduate program
University life is much less stressful than high school where much emphasis is placed on passing the exam for college entrance.  Many feel college is merely 4 years of leisure.  This is where you might find students wishing to make fashion statements with dyed hair.

We had a great lunch at the cafeteria which was very reasonably priced.
It was a cool crisp day and the soup was warming and nutritious.

The speaker was Roger Davis who spoke on Problems and Solutions for Japanese Education in the 21st century. His suggestions included curriculum reform with 30% course reduction and a 5-day school week.
These two students were at our small group discussion to shed light on the university experience from the student's perspective.  They pointed out the scarcity of teaching jobs for university graduates.

The bookstore featured Mac Computer systems
Mr. Ikeno was the University representative at our small group discussion which was lively and informative.

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