8th_Europe_Report -- 07_old_new.jpg
Now, looking down on the parking lot and the modern commercial harbor we notice
the drastic changes from earlier times. The old photo in the upper right
might be a WWI view of some of this general commercial port area.
Here at the top of the stairway, we read the following English language
description: "To connect the city and the new commercial harbour at Porstrein
desired by Napoleon III, the municipality had these splendid stone stairways
built, starting on the Cours Dajot and ending in a double flight of stairs on
the slope leading to the port. Completed in 1857, these stairways were
immortalized on film by Jan Grémillon in Remorques (Stormy Waters in
English) when Jan Gabin, who has just left Michele Morgan, descends them during
a storm (the effect of which was created using firemens hoses!). ..."
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