8th_Europe_Report -- 34_img_0899.jpg
Standing on the approach to the new lift bridge, Alain, Monique and Patrick
continue to discuss Harry St.Clare's old photos and their relevance to modern
Brest. What a wealth of local knowledge they have - and freely shared.
We have been given much to digest by our new French friends.
We need to let them return to their active retired life. As we get H.S. Wheeler's photos sorted out, we are now aware that we want to learn more of the history of this fascinating part of France. We particularly want to learn more about a local history project with which they are much involved -- that is to discover, expand and share information about the internment camp that was located across the bay during World War One. Much of the information on this project is now online with a good deal translated in to English. We suspect that Monique deserves much of the credit for this. See: "Ile Longue (Long Island)1914-1919" English web site.
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