8th_Europe_Report -- 27_old_new11.jpg
Here is another modern view of inside the cemetery. The old postcard Photo
#009 give ne names on the cross grave markers as names on headstones: Robert
Fitzgerald Clark, Ensign USNRF & Arthur Lee Boorse, Ensign USNRF, and "Died Aug
21, ’18, at Brest". The fresh grave of enlisted sailor Machinist
Mate 2nd Class is not shown. Reportedly the bodies of all 3 airmen were
returned to the US for reburial. UPDATE NOTE: We at first thought
that Photo #092 was also taken inside this cemetery, but our local historian
friends Monique and Alain have corrected us. It was taken in the “Saint-Martin”
cemetery (nearer to the town center). "Those 'chapel graves' did not exist in
Kerfautras, only in St Martin. Picture #092 could have been taken on the way
from the harbor to the town center."
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