8th_Europe_Report -- 37_img_0906.jpg
With Patrick's help (we're still challenged with French menus), we decide on
some perfect choices of drinks and entrées. We've set aside our
maps, lists and planning for the afternoon and turn temporarily to the excellent
plates. Symbolically, there is a poster in the corner that seems to feature an
announcement of an event commemorating the first world war, which, coincidently is
largely why we are in Brest. By the end of the meal, we had decided to save
exploring Brest for another day and on this half day left, travel south
toward Quimper. Patrick knows of a great outlet and factory store of a
brand name he fancies -- Armor Lux, (the stripy shirt people). Keeping
with our pledge not to try to do too much in one day, we leisurely finish our
meal and board the BMW and try to do too much.
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