8th_Europe_Report -- 32_8th_old_new.jpg
The "Pont
de Recouvrance" is the prominent vertical-lift bridge across the Penfeld
River and built in 1954 to replace the "Pont
National" swing bridge, the eastern half of which is shown in H.S. Wheeler's
WWI photo below. The earlier bridge was destroyed during the latter part
of WWII. The old swing bridge also shows in one of Harry St.Clare's old
postcards labeled "Place
du Château" or Castle Square. An old online photo of the severely
wrecked swing bridge can be found
Another online photo before its destruction can be found
HERE. After
our return to the States a friend gave us another old postcard showing the
old bridge opened for the passage of a battleship.
The lower floating bridge is for use by the Navy Base personnel only.
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