Senior Project

2nd semester of English IV 2000
Mrs. Wheeler, coordinator

Course Outline

A. Orientation to Senior Project and topic selection
        1. Criteria
                a. challenging -- a stretch
                b. interesting
                c. realistic and safe
        2. Conference with teacher - line up a mentor
        3. Letter of intent using business letter format - mechanically flawless
        4. Approval of project intent by steering committee

 B. Research Paper - 5000 words
        1. Gathering Information
                a. library
                b. internet
                c. primary sources (interviews with experts)
        2. Writing the paper
                a. organizing
                b. critical thinking
                c. grammatically correct
                d. MLA research style - responsible reference citation
        3. Meeting deadlines - time management - 3rd quarter

C. Project - reflects concepts covered in the paper
        1. Criteria
                a. shows an intellectual stretch and a personal challenge
                b. shows 15 hours of work out of class
                c. has a significant purpose
        2. Students submit a Project Plan/Design Proposal with outside approval
        3. Students and/or mentors document hours

D. Board Presentations
         1. A 10 minute speech before a panel of judges about the paper and the project
        2. Shows organization of content
        3. Demonstrates competence and expertise

Grading Each of the three components of the senior project must receive a 70% or better in order to pass. Each component is one third of the total semester grade.

        A. Paper
                1. Process: teacher evaluated based on rubric
                2. Product: read and evaluated by two designated experts (three if there is a problem)

        B. Project
                1. Written self evaluation by student
                2. Conference with teacher and mentor

        C. Boards
                1.  Rubric-based evaluations filled out by 5 panel members are averaged
                2. Panel members are selected from community volunteers

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