English IV
British Literature
Course Outline 1999-2000
instructor: Mrs. Wheeler
Unit One
The Ultimate in Brit Lit!!! The Bard himself!!! William Shakespeare at
his best in Hamlet
This will be ON-YOUR-FEET/IN-YOUR-FACE Drama!
Themes: revenge, corruption, identity and truth.
The language is not IN
the way; the language IS the way.
Unit Two
History of the English Language
--where we get our weird and wonderful collection of words.
Three invasions and a cultural revolution.
Invasion number 1: The Anglo-Saxon Invasions: the Beginnings of English
Invasion number 2: The Vikings and Danes with their Germanic words
Invasion number 3: The Norman Conquest: French becomes the language of
the ruling class of England.
A cultural revolution: The Renaissance adds an Influx of Latin words from
the Church
Unit Three
Beowulf- The
original mother of all monsters and the original warrior hero.
the oldest English language poem in a setting of grandeur by Ian Serralier
(There is more to poetry than end rhyme)
Unit Four
The archetypal hero and the quest
The Hero's Journey
The making of a legend.
Camelot and the Arthurian
Medieval Life -
Unit Five
The Middle Ages:
Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
The rhyming couplet
Inferencing characterization
Comparative societal roles from the Prologue and career exploration for today.
Writing the imaginary pilgrimage with your chosen companions
a word spake he moore than was neede,
And that was seyd in form and reverence
And short and quyk and ful of hy
.........Geoffrey Chaucer 1386
Unit 6 British Poetry and You
Traditional and Modern approaches to beautiful language.
understanding poetic devices
meeting the famous and not-so-famous
The Semester Project:
Senior Memory Book Assignment
Notice: The above is a probable outline of the content and
schedule of English IV this year (1999-2000) Please realize that all dates and
titles are more or less tentative, somewhat negotiable, and subject to change
with minimum notice and regret.
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