Norwegian Language Class

Snakker du norsk?

Folks interested in learning about the Norwegian language had been gathering in the upstairs room at the Eureka Norway Building on Wednesday evenings since March of 2002.  Both Fram Lodge members and non-members have been in this group.  At first, classes were held under the patient tutelage of long term Lodge member Erling Daastol.  Erling's expertise with languages and wonderful sense of humor made this informal and friendly experience most enjoyable.  However, the class and this world lost Erling on August 16, 2002 (his obituary).  The class continues.

Photos from the June 12th class. (click to enlarge)

Back row trouble makers!!

Photos from the June 26th class.
Our dearly loved leader, Erling Daastol

After the class, with the official Sons of Norway officers off on vacation, some rebel members decide to "crown" Sue Bialous as the class' Vice President!

Even after the language class is over, many of the group linger here in the upstairs room to discuss various topics.


Visitors from Norway - July 17, 2002

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The language class provides an "All American" potluck for guests from Norway. Einar Slogvik (L) is first in line. Pictured in the center here are the honored guests, Einar & Rotraud Slogvik from Rogaland fylke, Norway.

After a fine meal the class & guests gather for a group portrait to send to our teacher who was in the hospital.

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Substituting for our ill teacher Erling, the Slogviks conducted the evening lessons.

With respect for what we believe would be Erling's wishes, the group decides to continue with the language class.  We were most fortunate to find a talented and willing teacher locally, Professor Pam Brown, from Humboldt State University, to step in for a period of time.

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Pam, shown here, patiently facilitates learning in our diverse group of language students.

Here the 2 English teachers in the class, Peggy Wheeler & Doris Gildesgaard, confer with Pam. 

(They like to talk grammar!!)



When no professional teacher is available, the class continues with the skills and knowledge of willing lodge and language class members.



See photo album of class preparing for Christmas 2002

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