The images
on this page & passage quoted on the right have been
"lifted" from the letterhead of the Slooper Society.
For more information on the "Sloopers" & this Society, go
For the new official Slooper Society web page, go to:
THE SLOOPERS VOYAGE TO AMERICA "The first group of Norwegian Immigrants to America departed Stavanger, Norway -- July 4, 1825 on the Sloop -- Restoration and these 52 persons entered New York Harbor October 9th -- 98 days later. Cleng Peerson led this group first to Upstate New York . . . then to this area of Illinois near Norway where the first Permanent Norwegian Settlement was established. Descend- ants of these Norwegians who came over on the Sloop have formed the Norwegian Slooper Society of America, that meets annually at the Norway Community Center in Norway, Illinois the Sunday nearest to October 9."
The Norwegian Slooper Society of America was organized in 1925, being an inspiration coming from the immigration centennial celebrations of that year. It has been called the "Mayflower Society of Norwegian Americans," but has never reached the exclusive social status nor rigid membership requirements of that older society. However, membership is for those who can "trace their lineal descent to one of the Sloopers of 1825 and their spouses."
This is not the "official" web site for the Slooper Society and is for informational purposes only. It has been created by a member of the Society and with their knowledge.
The "objects" or objectives of the Society as stated on page 614 of the Slooper book:
1. To honor the memory of the Sloopers of 1825.
2. To promote the publication of the history of the Sloopers as a group and of the individual families.
3. To authenticate, preserve, and mark historical spots made memorable by Slooper association.
4. To maintain a museum collection of articles having belonged to the original Sloopers and their descendants.
5. To acquaint the present day descendants of the Sloopers with one another, through the publication of literature and the holding of meetings having literary and social programs.
6. To promote the interests that are common to the society as a whole.
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