Description of the Slooper Society apparently enclosed with a letter sent by Rosdail to descendants of Slooper Tormod Madland in 1950; this "dittoed" page found in papers belonging to the late Doris M. Birch/Wheeler/Carter.
You are a member
Since you are a member of
this society by right of birth, you might like to know something about it.
Membership consists of
all descendants of the original Sloopers, and their spouses. By diligent research we have located more
than 1200 families, and these fall into the 20 family groups represented by the
Sloop. They live in nearly all states of
The Society was organized
in 1925, the year the Norwegians commemorated the 100-year anniversary of the
coming of the Sloop. In
The organizer of the
Slooper Society was Mr. O. M. Norlie, now of
Captain Joseph M.
Johnson, 1703 W. 103rd, Chicago, President Emeritus of the Sloopers
at the age of 85, was president for 20 years.
He was Captain of the Police in
The objects of the
Society are five in number but currently emphasis is being placed upon two:
promote the publication of the history of the Sloopers as a group, and of the
individual families thereof, and to discover and publish other original matter
in regard to the Sloopers and their descendants.
acquaint the present-day Sloopers with one another.
The Sloopers hold an
annual meeting in the afternoon of the Sunday nearest October 9, the date the
Sloop arrived in
Come out to this year’s
meeting and get acquainted. If you live
too far away, write us a letter.
J. Hart Rosdail, Secretary-Historian