14. New found Cousin takes us on a tour to Seldal and Maudal -

Morning of July 4th

See Travel Report #6

In front of our hotel after having just met for the first time, Keith's cousin, Ernst Torkelson and his Uncle Sverie
Ernst drives us around the Seldal area.
Out the window at part of the old Seldal farm.
View of the Seldal area to the west.
Seldal to the south
The Mork Farm where some ancestors came from.
Another view of Mork.
On the road above the Mork farm.
View of Byrkjedal from the hill to the south
Pelton wheel at the Øvre Maudal area.
Looking west at the lower Maudal farm.
The approach to gloppedalsura, a very rocky place.
Rocks as big as cars.
Peg and Ernst at the Plaque commemorating a significant WWII battle.
Close up of the placque.
Ernst looking to the west at Gloppedalsura.
A historical interpretation of a seter at Byrkjedal.
An authentic reproduction of a working seter (summer mountain farm).
Inside this mountain home Ernst and Uncle Sverie pose.
Peg and Uncle Sverie walking along the road to look down to his summer cabin.
A view of the summer "cabin"(...?) on Høgsfjorden.
The Gjestal Spinneri at Oltedal where fine yarns are still spun.

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