LETTERS HOME 4 – 1960-1961 – from Keith Wheeler
Not great works of literature – Devoid of
refined or eloquent writing style – These letters home are presented with only
minor editing for general interest and basic clarity. They represent the observations and impressions of a 24 year
old drafted GI as he wrote to parents and friends in the States.
LETTER – from Riyadh, Saudi
Riyadh, Saudi
Friday, 3 March 1961
Dear Mom & Dad . . .
And another
week has passed, and the new month of March brings fair weather to Arabia. Yes, it’s warming up now (still some strong
winds though) and we have switched into summer uniforms - - - It won’t be long
now till the real hot weather starts in.
finally today we got some mail. It had
been over two weeks since the last mail call, and even this was just part of
the backlog of letters held up by the strikes.
I was fortunate to receive two letters from you (dated the 13th
and 19th of last month.) It
was really great to hear from you, especially after this long interlude.
I have
another favor to ask of you. This one
might be a little more difficult but I would appreciate any assistance you
might be able to give me. I need some
information on a seed company. Yes, my
friends the Sharifs (both Jamal and his father) asked
me about a particular seed company from California. As I told you before their business is related to the import, distribution and sale of
agricultural goods and seeds are one of their big items. At the present they deal with several
countries in Europe and the U.S. They have heard about this California
company and are very interested in it. I have offered to try to find something out
about it. I will write the company
itself as soon as I finish this letter, but I was wondering if you could give
me some additional help. Could you
contact some of the local seed and feed dealers and check with them as to the
reputation of this company and their products?
Incidentally, Mr. Sharif,
knowing that you were related to agriculture, wanted to know your particular
opinion of this company. This
company specializes mainly in “vine type seeds” – its name is LAWRENCE ROBINSON
& SONS, located in Modesto (PO
Box 1373).
The main company the Sharifs deal with now is
the ASGROW EXPORT CORP, of Milford, Connecticut,
and they are very interested in how an American would compare the two
companies. Therefore any general
information about this company (as compared to Asgrow
or otherwise) or particular opinions about their seeds would be greatly appreciated. Also, if you ever happen to run across an
information bulletin about seed companies in California
(in particular, those that might specialize in “vine type seeds” or melons) I
would be happy to get them. Well, enough
for seeds for tonight.
enclosing a couple more snaps. The one
of my EX-room mate bidding farewell to two of our houseboys is just a
test strip I made while printing
several photos to send him. The other is a shot I took while driving down
this strange road. It’s a dirt road, not
too far from Riyadh, which leads
back through groves of date palm and mud walls to the ancient city of Duriah. This city of mud brick buildings was almost
completely demolished by the Turks hundreds of years ago. It was never rebuilt except for a few homes
in which a few Arabs now live. I and a
few others have spent several days roaming around these ruins and I hope to
have some good pictures of it to show you when I return. [See Duriah
Mar '61 & Duriah May '61
albums.] Although neither of these pictures that I am
sending are very good, I hope they might be of some
interest. I just don’t have the time nor the photographic paper to print more. I am concentrating all my spare time efforts
in the photographic realms to building up an album or collection that I will be
able to bring back with me.
Well, I had
better close, get that other letter written and then start packing. Yep, another trip. This time back to Dhahran. I am scheduled to spend about 4 or 5 days
there on TDY (temporary duty). I hope to
have some dental work done, plus I hope to get my eyes checked. We leave tomorrow – and I have a thousand
things to do.
P.S. Please pardon this messy letter, but it was written in
haste – with at least a dozen interruptions during the short course of writing
it – ranging from a short political debate with one of the Arab interpreters to
working and explaining a couple of math problems.
from Riyadh
11 March 1961 (postmarked 14 Mar 1961, APO
TO: Ken Ellison,
California U.S.A.
O. K. Wheeler US 56318690
APO 616, N.Y., N.Y.
Hi Ken –
I received
your letter and have been trying to find time to write, but without much luck.
Just got
back from spending a week TDY at Dhahran on the Persian Gulf
– where I picked up this card.
Will write as soon as I can – and thanks for all the news from Chico.
LETTER – from Riyadh, Saudi
12 March 1961
- Sunday
Hello Mom and the Happiest of Birthdays to you . . .
Yes, I hope
this gets to you by your birthday. I
only wish I could do more. I picked this
scarf up while I was at Dhahran last week.
It might not be too practical or useful, but at least it is unusual - -
- The silk is from India
and the design and name is put on by hand by a Pakistani man in Saudi
The way it
is put on is rather unique - - - the material used for the
design and name is a sap from a tree that grows in Pakistan. It’s a gooey substance (looks like well
chewed gum) – the fellow has it smeared on one hand, and with the other twirls
a pointed stick in it, then pulls it away slowly, making a stringy tip on the
stick. Then he artistically writes or
draws on the silk (all free hand); when he’s through he pats it into the cloth
and then sprinkles glitter on it - - - drying it over night, we have this
artistic masterpiece. It’s worth it
just to see him do it.
I tried to take pictures of him in the process, but ran out of film
before he finished the process. I hope
you can use it, if for nothing else, a conversation piece. I couldn’t find out how (or if) it can
be cleaned. .? I also hope that it gets
through the mail alright.
I got two
of your letters today (the 5th and 7th.) First of all I’d like to make a hasty comment
on the mentioned impression of the Arab people.
No, Mom, they aren’t basically cruel or filled with hatred - - they are
human beings like you and me, of course their culture, society, and religion
give them different personalities, values and behavior patterns. To many of us Westerners they seem “odd,” but
by the same token, we in our civilization seem “odd.” I think one of their “basic traits” would be
one of friendliness and hospitality, again with the sometimes suspicion of the
“invading foreigner” this might be suppressed.
I don’t have the time to say more on this subject, but one thing that
gives a very false impression of these people in general is the effect of one
of the biggest propaganda programs in the Western world. This is the story as told by the powerful
Zionist organization to further their interests in Israel
and justify their actions. I’ll explain
this better (I hope) when I return.
reference to Ramadan and your query as to if it corresponded with the Lent
period - - -No, not exactly. This year
it happens to fall at about the same time, but as the month of Ramadan is a
lunar month on the Arabic, lunar calendar, it comes at a different time (in our
year) each year. It might have a
relationship in a round-about way though - - - It is believed by some religious
scholars that this month of fasting had its origin in the Jewish faith. Mohammed is believed to have spent much time
in the “Bible Lands” hearing the teachings of both the Christian and Jewish religions
(in his early years) and many of the customs and practices of these faiths were
later incorporated in the Islamic doctrine.
To quote from a book on the topic: “He (Mohammed) . . .further
exchanged the ‘Ashura! Fast day,
with Jewish overtones, for Ramadan, the month of fasting, possibly with ancient
Arabian religious associations.”
I might add that this month of fasting is just one of five duties laid
down by the Prophet Mohammed for the true Muslim. The five (as I have understood them) are:
1. To
bear witness that there was no God but God and Mohammed was his Prophet.
2. To
be steadfast in prayer - - i.e. pray five times a day.
3. To
give “zakat” (legal alms to the poor and needy.)
4. To
fast for thirty days during the month of Ramadan.
5. To
make a pilgrimage to Mecca if he
had the means.
Well, enough of my preaching on the Middle East
for tonight!
Must close for tonight.
Tell everyone hello for me. And a
very Happy Birthday to you - - - I wish I could be there to help you celebrate!
– Your son
– Keith
LETTER – from Riyadh, Saudi
19 March 1961
Dear Mom & Dad,
Another fast letter to say “Hi” and to answer your letter
(13 Mar.) which I received today.
The lights
here in my room are dim and my eyes a little weak, so please overlook any mistakes. Yes, we are having electrical difficulties
again. The cause of this lies in the
unusual switch in the weather we’ve had.
During the past few days we have had quite a bit of rain (for this
country.) The streets are flooded (not
very deep) and the power has been going off frequently and in between times it
is very weak, yielding just enough power to give off a dim glow from the
(or maybe not,) we have had the past three days off from the Ministry. The reason for this mainly is that we are now
in the Muslim holiday period (or as many of them call it – “Christmas”). This is the “I-ead Al-Fihter”
or the “Breaking the fast.” This marks
the end of Ramadan and the month’s fasting.
The holiday is supposedly for three days but actually lasts from five to
seven days. It is quite a festive
occasion for the Arabs. [See "Id
al-Fitr" Mar '61 Photo Album] We went to work
at the Ministry this morning to find that we were the only ones there in this huge
building, and this will probably last for several more days yet. During the so called break from our normal
work, I found myself busy here at the house.
I’ve had some time to catch up on my photographic work (both personal
and otherwise). Part of the time was
visiting and escorting around Riyadh
some ARAMCO people who came here to visit.
Also, we had the U.S. Embassy plane breakdown here, so I was involved
with helping them get set up for this unexpected stay. Anyway the three days passed in a hurry and I
still find myself with a lot to do.
back to your side of the world, tell [my sister] Claire
hello for me and that I have been planning on writing but just haven’t had the
time. I wanted to ask her about an Arab
fellow that I think is now going to Chico
State. His name is Mamdouh A. Ashour. He’s from Egypt
and his father, Doctor Ahmed Ashour, is presently a
big engineer here in Riyadh. I met Dr. Ashour at
a banquet a few months ago but never knew than that he had a son in the
States. Since then I have been told by
my Arab friends that his son is going to Chico
We have
been trying to make connections, so that I might be able to give him
information on Chico, etc, but have
not yet met. You might tell both Claire
and Jim to see if they can look him up at college - - - The world isn’t so big
after all.
Well, it
seems as though I had better bring this letter to a close before all the lights
go off. Thanks again for everything and
I love to hear from you.
4 April 1961
- Tuesday
Dear Mom & Dad –
Well here I
am in Dhahran with high hopes of flying to Beirut
tomorrow morning. I arrived here Sunday
and have made all the preparations. Now
it’s just waiting and hoping that I don’t get bumped from the flight. A change in flight schedules has upset my plans
a little - - instead of leaving the 3rd, it will be the 5th
– which will cut two precious days from my trip. I shall return on the 11th to
Dhahran where I will stay about a week before going back to Riyadh. Needless to say, I’m anxious to get underway.
I received
your letter of March 26th and was glad to hear that the scarf got
there okay. I was also glad to hear that
you had a nice time on your birthday. I
also got the letters from the Craigs and their
pictures. It was real nice of them to write. I am taking their pictures with me to Beirut
to show Marla Ann and Samir (who both were very
interested in Janice’s family the last time I saw them.)
Well, I
must close now and get ready to go. I
think you will understand if I don’t write much from Beirut
– (so much to do in so little time) – but I’ll at least send some cards.
Bye for now
– Love, Keith
P.S. A late happy
Eater to you all! I had forgotten almost
all about it. – No –
Not much of an observance of this day was held here. As a matter of fact I celebrated the occasion
by bouncing across the desert in a “Goonie Bird!”

16 April 1961
~ Beirut hotel
stationery ~
Dear Mom & Dad,
finally, I have a few moments to sit down and try to write you. Yes, I’ve been busy! As you see, I am now in Dhahran. I returned from Lebanon
on Tuesday the 11th. As you
might expect, I had a fabulous time – mere words and a few pages wouldn’t do it
justice. I’m sorry that I don’t have
more time to go into detail and tell you all that I did and saw – but I’m sure
it will all be still fresh in my memory when I return. Again, as last time, the most enjoyable
aspect of visiting Beirut was
visiting with Marla Ann, Samir and their family – and
this, fortunately, I did much of. We spent
hours talking on everything from Corning
and playing in fig trees to Middle East culture and
literature! Even with a full week, it
didn’t seem like I had enough time. Of
course aside from just talking, they had me over for dinner and lunch several
times – they took me out – showed me around – and arranged things so that I
could see some of the country and enjoy my stay.
I spent one day with Mrs. Khayat, Samir’s mother, as she
had an English doctor and his wife visiting her and was showing them around. We went south of Beirut
to Sidon
and almost to Tyre,
having a wonderful picnic lunch amongst the picturesque, costal setting. Then inland, up in the mountains to the
fascinating mountain top palace of “Beit-Eddine.” It was truly an enjoyable and interesting day
– especially just getting acquainted with this remarkable woman and her friends
from England.
Another day I spent visiting “Baalbek”
– one of the most ancient cities of the world.
There now stands the unbelievable ruins of the grandiose Roman
temples. Such things as this never
impressed me before as I read or saw pictures of them, but when I was there,
looking up at 70 feet tall Roman columns, I started to see (and feel) the
significance of all this – not only the engineering accomplishments of that
time – but the art, culture and development of the people who built all
this. I could never come close to proper
description here, but I have some books and (I hope) some photos to bring back
to you. Almost as impressive as Baalbek
itself was the wonderful drive out to it (it’s located northeast of Beirut
almost on the Syrian boarder). I might
mention here that I didn’t get to Damascus
as I had planned – due to visa difficulty (and my own stupidity!). To top a wonderful week off, Samir and Marla Ann took me, on my last night there, to the
world famous Casino of Lebanon. There,
with a group of their friends, we saw a tremendous floor show! Also, to fill the week out – I spent some
time with some of my Lebanese friends – having dinner at one of their mountain
homes one night. Also, I spent a good
deal of time on the campus to the American
University – enjoying its picturesque location and
talking with some of the students that happened to be around. (Actually the school was still on Easter
vacation the week I was there.)
again, I can only say that I’ll tell you more about it when I return. I just can’t express well enough how
impressed and honored I felt getting acquainted with the Khayat
family. Regardless of country, they are
one in a million (no pun intended). I
just wish you could meet them. Aside
from the few pictures I took while visiting the scenic places, I hope to have
some color shots of Marla Ann & Samir and where
they live, etc. I also took some black
& white shots, which (if they come out) I hope to send to her parents there
in California.
And now
returning to the present --- I have spent a busy five days here in the eastern
province. Aside from trying to rest up
from the trip, I have been running around trying to clear up some olds &
ends. I spent one day working for our
Supply & Liaison Office here at the base – one day was spent visiting the
city of Damman
near here and other coastal villages to the north. One day was spent on a trek out to the desert
oasis city of Hofuf
(about 60 miles across the desert southwest of here). It was an interesting but tiring day. Today I spent taking my separation physical
--- that is to see if I’m still healthy enough for civilian life! We are going to return to Riyadh
this Tuesday (18th) by car across the desert – that is if everything
goes as planned. It should be an
interesting drive ..!?
I received
your letter of 4 Apr. and the seed catalogs.
Thanks for everything. I didn’t
mean to start a major project back home – but I really do appreciate all of
your wonderful efforts. I will give all
this info to the Sharifs when I return to Riyadh. I’m sure they will be very much impressed
with all the efforts shown. I might add
that I received a nice letter from Mr. Robinson (the company in mention)
enclosing their company’s info. Also I
got a letter from Mr. Ernest Howard of Lodi.
Again, I
really appreciate all that you have done in these realms. The big trouble now is that I am running
short on time! In just about five weeks
I will be leaving Riyadh for good –
and I have a multitude of things to windup there - plus many personal things
such as packing and shipping my hold-baggage, etc., etc. Yes, I hope you won’t mind too much but I am
going to have to cut down on writing you --- and I still have dozens of letters
to write before I start my return journey.
It’s hard
to say just what my itinerary for return will be at present – but it looks now
as though I’ll leave Riyadh around
the 24th of May and leave Dhahran possibly on the 29th. The flight across the Orient & Pacific
takes from 5 days to a week, but I will most likely stop off for a week at Bangkok. When I do get back, I will have to go from
Travis AF Base to the Oakland Army Terminal.
It’s hard to say just how long it will take to get separated – maybe a
couple of days, maybe a week or more …?
Then I have promised that I would go down to Pacific
Grove to see dear friends. If and how I will be able to do
this, I still don’t know! About the only
thing I can say is that I should be home in June --- and that isn’t for
Well, Mom
& Dad, I must close for now and get a little shut-eye. I hope everything is going well for you
– Love - Keith
LETTER – from Riyadh, Saudi
6 May 1961
Dear Mom & Dad -
Well, I haven’t been much for
writing lately – and this one will have to be a fast one. Yes, time is going just too fast to get
everything done that I want to before I leave.
Only 18 days left in Riyadh!
Right now I
am trying, among many other things, to get all my JUNK boxed up so that I can
ship my “hold baggage.” This is 200
pounds that I am allowed to ship from here other than what I will carry with me
on the plane. It will be shipped in a
wooden crate home to Corning. As it will be coming by commercial carrier
across the States (from East Coast,) I will probably be home before it gets
there, but if by chance I’m not there, at least you will know what it is. It’s a heck of a job getting it all together and
crated. Boy! Can I accumulate the junk! Most of it will be odds and ends that I’ve
picked up here in Arabia and on my trips, plus some of
my personal belongings.
Also, I
have sent (and most likely will be sending) some packages thru the mail to
you. A box of 10 head scarves which I
sent by first class mail should be reaching you before too long. They are not very fancy, but at least they
are a souvenir of Arabia. By the way, they are for you women folk in
the family. I guess you can get them
distributed for me. .?
You also
will probably soon be getting my processed slides there, as I am using your
address because there is not enough time remaining to be assured of getting
them here. The majority of them, though,
I have already had processed and will be bringing them with me or sending them
hold baggage.
Here’s some more stamps for the Craigs
and also some Lebanese Pounds for Dave, Steve and Johnny. They’re worth about 33¢ (and about all I came back from Lebanon
Well I must
close for now - - - Please excuse my not writing very often. I guess I can now say that I’ll be seeing you
“next month” – just a little over one month and I should be back in the States
and heading home.
& Happy Mother’s Day Mom –
LETTER – from Riyadh, Saudi
22 May 1961
Dear Mom & Dad,
Just a VERY
FAST note to say HI and GOODBYE (from Arabia, that is.) I am
leaving Riyadh in 2 days – the 24th
– for Dhahran. It looks like I will be
spending a few days there at the Base clearing up everything and clearing out
my records etc. Then I am scheduled to
fly out Monday morning, the 29th of May, on the Embassy Flight. Yes, unless there is a very last minute
change, I will be coming back to the States via the Orient and Pacific. (I can’t remember if I told you that there
was a chance that I would have to come back across the Atlantic
to Charleston AFB, S.C., and get separated on the East Coast. However, that possibility is pretty slim
now. As it stands, I leave Dhahran
Monday, stopping briefly at Karachi, Pakistan,
arriving in New Delhi, India,
that afternoon. There we spend the
night, the next day and that night, leaving New Delhi
Wednesday morning for Bangkok. There I will stay for a week on leave, and
then head for Manila in the Philippines. After a fairly short stop there we hit a few
of the islands (including possibly Hawaii)
and landing at Travis AFB probably on the 9th of June
(Friday.) Of course this is just the
schedule and is subject to change for many reasons (i.e. weather delays, winds,
current flight plans, and a dozen other things.) From Travis, I will most likely have to
report on either the day of arrival or the following day to Oakland Army
Terminal. No telling how long it will
take there – possibly just a few hours, maybe a day or two, or it may even run
into weeks. Anyway, don’t look for me
until you see me coming (to use an old expression) - - I’ll give you a call as soon as I
can when I hit the States.
My friends
down on the Peninsula will want me to come down there as
soon as I get back, and as I probably won’t be able to afford a trip up to Corning
and back down to Monterey and then
back up again, I will possibly stop down there before coming up. Of course I would like to come home and see
all of you as soon as possible, but it is just that I do want to see my friends
there and this would be a fairly convenient time to do it. Well, I still have a thousand things to do,
so must close out on this end.
enclosing some photographs of Marla Ann for the Millions. These were all taken in her home. Also I am trying to send some copies up to her
in Beirut. I’ll be sending the negatives home in one of
my packages, so that they can get more copies (and better ones.) Also tell them that I have a couple of color
slides that I will be bringing with me.
And so, my
year’s tour in Arabia is just about over – I can
truthfully say that I am glad to be returning home. I wish I would have had more time to write
you, but it won’t be long until we can talk it over in person. Thanks again, Mom & Dad, for all that you
have done for me this year. Getting anxious to see you.
LETTER – from Dhahran Airfield, Saudi Arabia
25 May 1961
Hi Mom & Dad –
Just a short word to say “hello” and to let you know that I have
started my journey homeward. I flew
from Riyadh to Dhahran on the 23rd
– one day earlier than I had expected. I
will be here until Monday the 29th, when I catch the “Embassy
Flight.” My time here is now spent
clearing the Mission, chasing down
my records and papers, and getting ready to leave. However, this is greatly complicated because
of the fact that Saudi Arabia
is now observing the “Hajj” holiday (the period of Pilgrimage). Almost everything is closed or on reduced
hours, including our Air Force installation here.
Well, so
far, there has been no change in my orders or itinerary for return. I am anxiously looking forward to the trip
home and visiting the various countries along the way. The 9th or 10th of June
is still a good guess as to my arrival in Calif. I might mention that I will be flying in a
four engine, C-121, Super Constellation – a good, fast, safe and dependable
plane – so no worries – Okay? I must
admit that I am very glad to have taken my last desert flight on “Guts Airlines.”
Well, I
must close. Here’s wishing you the best
of everything. Will be
seeing you soon.
– Keith
The Eve of 8 June 1961 - “Saturday Night"
• • Oh, Ex Room-mate
and fellow veteran of "Sandsville”
thinks it is about time I should take the proverbial pen in hand (or rather -
typewriter keys at finger tips). So many
days, miles and experiences have transpired since last I tried to communicate
with the "Old Sack Rat" that I hardly know where to start. I guess I
should start at the beginning - and so, to the melodic strains of Beethoven
symphonies booming from the HiFi, I'll give it the
old college try.
Let's see -
- - Obviously I left the desert, T’was on the
mournful day of May 23rd that I left the quaint village of Riyadh (on the Wadi) - and then the required few days of vacational bliss at that place of romance on the Persian
Gulf (you know so well), Dhahran. On the
morning of the 29th, Monday, I was winging across the waters, heading east on
the Embassy Flight. A few hours and we
were in Karachi, Pakistan. Here we only stayed an hour and were not able
to leave the airport. Then about 3 ½
hours flying over the Indian Desert
and we were in New Delhi, India. Here we had a
scheduled crew rest. That night
two Air Force lieutenants
and myself saw the "non-touristy sites of Old and New
Delhi from Motorcycle cabs (India's
modern version of Gerry Carts). The next
morning the same two lieutenants and myself were up early and on our way to Agra,
India, (about 126 miles
from Delhi) to see the Taj Mahal and the other sites of
interest around the area. It was a hard
drive due to the crowded condition of the road, having to stop quite often to
let the car cool off, and the fact that it was just damn hot. Still it was definitely worth it. The Taj Mahal is a fabulous place and, even though we saw it in 113
degree temperature (plus high humidity), I can now readily see why it is one of
the wonders of the world. Impressed was
The next
morning, Wednesday, we rumbled out to the airport and were soon roaring off
into the wild blue yonder. Next stop – Bangkok.
And so it
was on the memorable day of May 31 that I arrived in the oriental country of Thailand,
late in the afternoon. I caught a cab
into Bangkok and then made arrangements
to stay in one
of the rooms at the JUSMAAG villas. Also
I was able to utilize the facilities of the MAAG group there, including the
Villa Club (NC0 club), PX and
That evening I got together with the same two lieutenants (who were just
staying overnight with the flight crew) to go out on the town. … Later I did
get out to see more of Bangkok
and some of the country side. I got
acquainted with a Thai fellow who works for a tourist agency and he took me
around to the sites of interest - and they were of interest. Actually, I was more impressed with the
scenic places and rich culture in Thailand
than in any other country which I have been in.
We saw most of the famous Thailand temples, the floating markets (where
the people live and work on and along a system of canals), some of the villages
out in the country, the farming areas, the Thai classical dancing, Thai boxing
and many of the great number of interesting sites. … This little
country is really fabulous -
the people friendly - the women beautiful - and the art and culture
fascinating. This is one place I would really like to go back to - however, I
doubt whether this wish will ever come true.
So you can see that my one week stay in Thailand
was more than enjoyable. I truly hated
to leave, even to cone back to the States to get out of the Army (and that's
saying something). … And, so, again,
when I boarded the Embassy plane on Thursday the 8th I was really sad and hated
to leave.
Next, we
flew from there to Saigon, where we stopped only a
couple of hours. Conditions were too
tense to leave the airport - Then to the Philippines
and Clark AFB. There, being back on a
military installation, everything got fouled up. I was scheduled to leave the next day on the
same plane that I came in on, but it seemed as though they didn't have me
booked for a seat. So I stayed in the Philippines
for two days. This wouldn't be too bad
except that I didn't have a Philippine visa - Yep, I had to stay on base. This unfortunate aspect was somewhat compensated
for when I found out that I was rebooked on a civilian flight from there. It was a MATS contracted flight, but still a
civilian plane, civilian crew, comfortable seats - And good looking hostesses. Across
the Pacific, we just stopped at Wake Island for fuel and
then at Honolulu International
Airport, where we went through
customs and had a few hours. So, on 11th of June (gained or lost one day across the date line??)
I hit the States, or rather the Continent, as it is now called in Hawaii. We landed at Travis Air Force Base and it did
seem damned good to set foot on real American ground and to have all that
flying behind. To make it short - I
stayed that night at Travis and the next morning went to Oakland Army Terminal where I was separated
by 5:00 that evening. Shortly after I was out (and what a great
feeling that was) my cousin and his wife (a young couple that I went to college
with) picked me up and we all headed straight for Carmel.
After Carmel,
I started headed for Coming, stopping along the way to visit friends and
relatives. In Corning
I spent a lot time with the folks and rested. Then it was to Chico
to find a car, a place to live and get things straightened out there. Well, first I got the car (1959 Fiat 600). … Then I got my little house. It's nothing fancy. It has one bedroom, kitchen and living room
and small yard, plus car port. The main
thing is that it is a house rather that an apartment and has privacy. Right now it is rather bare, being an
unfurnished house, but I have my camel saddles, brass tray, packing crates and
junk. At least it’s
home and no inspections! Back to the old grind and the shoe business. … I have school to look forward to this fall.
And so,
Bill, this has been the recent existence of one OKW. What about you? ….