1960-1961 – from Keith Wheeler
Not great works of literature – Devoid of refined or eloquent writing style – These letters home are presented with only minor editing for general interest and basic clarity. They represent the observations and impressions of a 24 year old drafted GI as he wrote to parents and friends in the States.
TO: Mr. & Mrs. John Carter [mother & step-father]
Hi –
Am flying
out at
The trip will take over 36 hrs & will stop in at least 3 bases on the way over -
Love – Keith
LETTER – from
Mom & Dad –
Well another Sunday (Fri.) is upon
us and I find some time to try to bring my correspondence up to date . . . It
takes just about a week to get your letters, depending of course on when the
planes can fly into here. Needless to
say your letters are a welcome sight as mail here is looked forward to with
anxious anticipation. They’re our only
contact with the Western world except for the movies flown in to us.
It was just a week ago today that I
landed here in
The temperature has been running
around 120° lately (that
106° at home sounds mighty cool now.
. . ) Although the temperature is high
here the humidity is very low, making it quite bearable.
Possibly I can give you an idea of
our mission group here in design north of the city. I live in the only two story house, which
luckily is the nicest of the three --- We share private rooms (usually 2 to a
room), and have a nice living room and a couple of game rooms [also military
radio room and a photo darkroom] --- the household chores (including bed
making) are done by house boys. We eat
in comfortable and homey dining rooms in the house across the road, again
waited on by native houseboys. All the
rooms in our quarters are equipped with air conditioners, although they are not
always completely effective due to the electrical power problem (it fluctuates
a great deal and is easily overloaded – usually when it is hot and needed
most). Also we have a problem with
water --- aside from it being scarce and expensive, we can only drink distilled
and properly treated water as the regular water is quite harsh on our frail
western systems. Sometimes we have to use water to which bleach has been added,
which obviously isn’t the best tasting.
The majority of the officers live in a hotel closer to town.
Our working conditions are not quite
as comfortable --- no air conditioning.
The building itself is of ultra modern design and quite new. It has a set up for air conditioning but
they have neither the power nor personnel to run it, thus our offices, being on
the fourth floor and facing the sun, are quite warm --- but to compensate for
this we work only a sweaty 5 hours a day from Sat thru Wed and 3 ½ hours on
Thurs. Actually, I enjoy my work and
even though it’s hot, the time goes fast.
To clarify what I mean by modern
“design” --- many of the buildings here in Saudi Arabia are quite new and from a
distance would seem to put many of ours to shame when it comes to architecture
--- but, at a closer inspection many are poorly constructed and the
materials they use seem inferior --- plaster falling off the walls, tile
flooring is always loose, door frames pull loose from the walls, etc. Some people blame foreign contractors who
come in to the country, build quickly and then leave.
As for the city itself, I have yet
to spend much time in it as our office building is fairly close to our quarters
on the north edge of town, also this is one of the sensitive times of the year
for foreigners to be mingling with crowds in town. The main pilgrimage season has just ended and religious fervor is
at a high pitch --- so, being subject to their laws and judicial proceedings,
it’s safer to keep a low profile.
TO: Burton’s Shoe Store
FROM: PFC O.K. Wheeler US56318690
Hello from
I finally
found some picture postcards of
Will write more later --- Keith
LETTER – from
Mom & Dad ---
Another note to let you know I’m
still kickin’. I received your very
thoughtful card and letter today.
I hope everything is going well at
home and the heat isn’t too bad. It’s
amazing here --- when the temperature gets down around 100° or upper 90’s (in the morning and late evening) it actually
seems cool --- I guess I’m finally a “Desert Rat.”
Well, Mom & Dad, I’ve been here
Tomorrow we are planning a safari
out into the desert (being our Sat. & a short work day). I’ve been out several times so far --- a
bunch of us get a VW truck, a jug of water, and
armed with camera and sun helmet --- and off we go seeking adventure like a
bunch of kids. It’s fascinating and we
sometimes get a good look at some real different kinds of life.
I am in hopes of being able to go on
a tour to the Holy Lands sometime next month.
If things work out it will be a 3 day tour and quite reasonable (the
non-tourist season).
For the last week or so the
political situation here has been a little more active than usual – the
Speaking of the king reminds me of
another incident --- We have our laundry and cleaning done by a small but good
Saudi cleaners --- today I was informed by the owner of the business (with his
hands wrapped in bandages) that a pair of my slacks went up in smoke along with
2 of the King’s suits, in a fire at the cleaners. Undoubtedly the King’s suits will be replaced --- I doubt mine
Well, will close for now --- thanks
again for everything --- and, if I may repeat myself, your letters are always a
welcome sight.
Love, Keith
TO: Mr. & Mrs. John Carter
Hi –
Just got
back from
Had a
wonderful time but am bushed – Long plane ride (stopped in Taif near
Will fly
out again day after tomorrow on my Holy Land Tour – will spend three days in
Will write more later -
Love – Keith
10-12 August 1960
LETTER – from
Mom & Dad . . .
At last I’ve finished my commentary
on my
I received your letter containing
the article about the “Superior Americans.”
I thought it very good and I’m sorry to say, very true in many
cases. I showed it to several of the
fellows here and it was received with varying degrees of acceptance and
rebuttals. At least we got some very good
conversation material from it. If you
would and are interested in such related subjects, please read The Ugly
American by Lederer
and Burdick. I have lost my copy
but it is out in pocket book form. It
delves into the problem mentioned in the article and portrays vividly the
conditions that exist in our foreign relations with countries throughout the
world. For many reasons, I am limited
as to the comment I can make on our mission here in Arabia and the
circumstances are not exactly the same as those that inspired this book, but in
many places there is a great deal of correlation.
Also to help me with some of my work
here, could you see if you can locate and send me either the issue of “Life”
magazine or the article which appeared in it relevant to
In passing, I might mention that the
other day, being curious as to the actual temperature in the sun here, we put a
thermometer out in the direct sun. The
time was about
Has Marla Ann started back to
I’m enclosing some more stamps for
[nephews] Dave and Steve. My friends
here are quite anxious and happy to help me collect them. One of the fellows manages an agriculture
and development store here in
Well, Mom and Dad I had better close
for now and get to some of my other correspondence – I have been neglecting it
while I worked on the commentary. Hope
you all are well and will be looking forward to hearing from you again.
Love, Keith
LETTER – from
Mom & Dad
Happy “Labor day”! Yes we are celebrating the holiday too – not
a 3 day week-end, however. We just got
back from King Saud’s palace – We spent the morning touring the grounds, taking
pictures, and visiting some of the buildings.
It was quite an experience. To
give you an idea of the size of his place – it is surrounded by a high, pink
wall which is 8 miles in length. Inside
the wall it’s like another world – beautiful green trees, shrubs and lawns –
there are many beautiful buildings of the most fine architecture and
coloring. In the center of the palace
grounds is the inner palace, again surrounded by a wall. It is here that the King actually has his
living quarters, harem, etc. These
grounds are fabulous – flowers and trees everywhere – elaborate fountains
spraying water high in the air – beautiful ponds and pools scattered everywhere;
one the size of a small lake (they use more water here than in the rest of the
city of Riyadh) – all the roads and walks here are made of fine polished marble
– I might mention, that it is considered quite an honor to be able to enter the
inner palace grounds. I hope to be able
to go back several times before I leave – as I don’t think I got very many good
pictures – had to borrow an old camera from one of the fellows. (I hope to be
able to buy another camera before too long – or at least, send my broken one
out to
I must tell you of the fabulous and
interesting time we had last Friday – I and one of my buddies (from
I might mention that we are now
having Arabic classes (to add to the busy schedule). Several of us have gotten
together and are trying to learn the language, with the aid of the few fellows
that went to the
Have to be running along so will
close --- my week to get our water
supply (drinking), also have to go into the city, then later I am going to meet
two of my Arab friends – Jamal, who has the agricultural store in Riyadh, and
Ahmad, who is with the Bank of Riyadh.
We are going to our movie and then down to the Casino to eat and talk –
Anyway, must close –
Hope you all understand my busy
situation and the subsequent low frequency of writing - Hope all is well –
love - Keith
P.S. Am sending a few stamps along for Dave &
LETTER – from
Mom & Dad –
I’m glad you liked my so called
“commentary” of my
In answer to your question about TV
& radio here – I’m afraid the reply is negative – TV is practically unheard
of here in
As for the food here – it is
relatively good, although limited, as they fly it all in from either Dhahran or
Thanks, Mom, for you efforts in
trying to find the Life article. I know
it’s rather an odd and difficult request.
If you can’t locate it, don’t’ worry--- I’ll write an official letter to
the publishers in regard to the matter.
I would have done this originally but my recollection of the title,
issue, etc are quite vague, and it’s rather difficult to explain the reason for
this request. If you ever happen to run
across any newspaper or magazine articles about
I might mention that the situation
here in Riyadh has been a little sensitive and tense lately --- Nothing to
worry about though, as things are calming down now --- Just my vague excuse for
this hastily and poorly written letter!
Say “hello” to everyone for me.
Love, Keith
Am enclosing a couple of stamps from
LETTER – from
Dear Mom & Dad - -
Friday – another week. This one, at
last, has been rather uneventful. Still
working on my Arabic --- Have made several visits to the “souk” shopping, but
mainly to speak the language. --- Haven’t seen my friend Jamal as much this
week, as his father has just arrived from Lebanon (I was given the honor of
meeting him – a quite wise and learned man and good friends with the Saudi
royalty – he had just spent several months in Europe on business.) --- and, as
per usual, I have been busy with various and sundry other things. One thing of note is that I might be able to
go up to
I got your
letter and “National Geographic” today – thanks a lot. The pictures and write-up [on the
I am sending just a few stamps this time – my friend Jamal is getting some more for me, but will be a little while yet. I hope they can divide them all up okay – and Alice [little sister] gets her share. Speaking of stamps, tell Mrs. Johnson that I will be sending her some when I can. I am going to try to send it through Saudi mail so that she will have the envelope with the full postmarks.
Also, I’m
sending a couple of snap-shots along – I took these prints off of another
fellow’s film. The building is the
entrance to the Royal Reception Hall, located in the outer
Must close –
LETTER – from
Dear Mom and Dad . . .
Well, “Hello and how are you?” Another week and another few minutes to let you know that I’m still holding out okay on this end.
I got your
letter sending the Life article and the cute card this week. It does seem as though we are getting faster
mail service now (commercial airlines to
I wish I
could keep abreast of the current U.N. meetings, but as I have told you before,
our news service is very poor.
Actually I
have been doing a lot of research into the Palestine Problem, both from as the Americans get
it. Although there is no easy solution
to this complex problem, the Arab nations and mainly the people have been
greatly misunderstood by the Western World.
A great injustice seems to be apparent from their viewpoint. I hope to be able to gather enough
documented and first-hand information while I am here so that I may be able to
give a full report on it when I return.
(Also, a severe critical analysis of the novel Exodus seems to be in order.)
You asked
about the female situation here --- Well, there are no available women here
with whom to get acquainted. The Saudi
women can not even speak to us, let alone “meet us.” The wives and daughters of the other foreigners are scarce and
kept to themselves. Many of the men
from the States or other countries do not bring their families to
One thing
that I do miss greatly here is my music.
We do have a record player in the house, but living on the second floor
and it being on the first is an inconvenience, plus the type of music which I
enjoy mostly, is unfortunately, not appreciated by the majority. Some of the fellows have their own record
players and records, but myself and my roommate are not among the “higher paid”
fortunates. I hope to be able to hear
some good music when I go to
I’m sending
along an article you might find interesting.
It appeared in a Catholic men’s magazine; one of the fellow’s wife made
a Thermofax copy of it and sent it to him, and I retyped it from the dim,
fading Thermofax sheets. Of course it
is mainly concerned with interesting the Catholic reader, but I thought it
might help in giving you an idea of the country and some of its unusual
ways. It describes mainly the religious
problems at Dhahran in the eastern province, which, because of the influence of
ARAMCO oil settlements and the air base, is actually the most liberal of all of
I might
mention that we had quite a day of excitement and pageantry last week – the
president of
Here’s hoping all is well at home.
Love, Keith