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Beirut - Street Life, Hills to East, Visiting Friends

We canceled the trip to Damascus.  we were tired and had the sniffles.  instead had a very special treat as our friend Nada took us up into the mountains east of Beirut.  some of the most beautiful country around.  had a great lunch at restaurant overlooking Beirut and the sea.  unfortunately this is also near where our friend's village was that got destroyed in the war.  was hard to imagine the US Navy battleship New Jersey,  off coast of Beirut lobbing shells into where we were dining and into these people's homes. 

spent a very nice evening visiting w/ Nada's mom and her brother and Armenian friend.  Mom's brother also stopped by.  was a real special treat.  great dinner and came home exhausted and to bed.

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Beirut street scene with new Mini.


Appetizing lunch counter near our hotel.


Arminée, Keith, Patrick & Nada - lunch at "Cliffhouse" (Al-Sakhra Café), Chemlan, overlooking Beirut. Our very friendly and helpful wait staff at the Cliffhouse.


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Wonderful old church in village in the hills above Beirut. "3 Mansions" - 2 newly built or rebuilt, the other just a bombed out shell. Driving back in to Beirut, between signs, we see livable bombed buildings. A comfortable evening visit in the Abbas home with friends & relatives.


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