Maps giving location of Tysvær area & Slogvik Farm


A simple map showing the relative location of Norway & the Slogvik farm to the rest of Scandinavia. 

A map of southern Norway highlighting the major cities of Bergen, Oslo, Stavanger & Haugesund in relation to the Slogvik farm.

Here is just a northern portion of Rogaland fylke showing the Slogvik farm in the center of the Tysvær kommune east of the coastal city of Haugesund.


Jeg har sjelden vært på et praktfullere sted enn Slogvig. 

(I have rarely been at a more magnificent place than Slogvig.)

The above is a statement made by English Quaker Joseph Crosfield in a letter home after visiting the the Slogvik farm in the summer of 1868.  We heartily agree with Mr. Crosfield!

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