Album 4 - Copán
Ruinas, The Town, Honduras
December 17-20,
2005 - After a long, but interesting, bus ride, we arrive at the
small mountain town of Copán Ruinas near the border with Guatemala. We
check in to the Plaza Copán Hotel for the first 2
nights of our stay here in this delightful village. We will move across
the street for our last night to try a different and slightly less expensive
hotel. This album presents photos of just the town and views of
surrounding mountains. The next album, Nr. 4, will focus on our tour out
to the famous Mayan ruins & interpretive center located just a short
distance from town.
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We are fortunate to get an upstairs room
at the Plaza
Copán right next to the church & with a balcony overlooking the
town plaza. |
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A comfortable room, but Peg needs to straighten
a little art work before we settle in. |
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Enjoying the balcony as it becomes dark,
Peg is able to get this dim shot of a wedding party entering the church next
door. |
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Morning views from the balcony are
spectacular - this being the view to the south |
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This northwesterly view is across the
very attractive & well kept town plaza. |
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Peg uses a comfortable corner of our
balcony to catch up with her journaling. |
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This is the view up towards the west from
inside the hotel garden. |
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Out on the streets we enjoy the
colorful buildings and friendly folks. |
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Across to the northwest corner of the
plaza, we find what becomes our favorite coffee shop. |
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A good breakfast, along with great rich
Honduran coffee, is enjoyed at Welchez Cafe Bar. |
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The view from this café is also great,
even on a rainy morning with "tuk-tuks" lined up across the
street. |
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On a brighter afternoon we stroll down
this street where local vendors display their wares. |
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Café Nia Lola was recommended to us for
our first meal. It was very good. |
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Our first experience with this great
marketing idea: combination laundromat and cyber café. |
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The stage at the central plaza.
This plaza was well utilized by the town for numerous events. |
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Pick up taxis arrive in town for an early
drop off of over 20 passengers. |
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Sunset over the town plaza from our Plaza
Copán balcony. |
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Tuk-tuks, or motor taxis as they
are called here, were a very efficient & inexpensive way to get around -
& were reminiscent of Thailand. |
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Peg at the daily vegetable market just
west of the town plaza. |
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Museo de Arqueologia Maya on the SW
corner of the town square is a repository of some great artifacts of
historical significance and well-presented. |
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Peg examines a stela display in a
large room of other objects |
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This "Altar U" (Ritos de los
Gobernantes) is preserved here rather than kept at the site where it was
found originally. |
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Peg get a closer look at some of the
carved Mayan artifacts. |
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Keith stands beside the stela in honor of
the Viking bautastein of his own heritage. |
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On the edge of the town looking toward
the south east countryside. |
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At the delightful Casa
de Todo, Peg takes a beer break & studies the menu with the Berlitz
phrase book at hand. Keith liked the food & Internet café part of this
has-all establishment. |
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Peg relaxes in the hammock outside our
room. |
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When it rained, the plants were all moved
out in the center to catch the water. |
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From an upstairs restaurant, we observe a
Christmas pageant parade with music and children. |
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This is a night shot of the lights across
the plaza looking toward the open door of the church. |
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On the morning we leave Copán,
a local family brings in beribboned straw reindeer to sell for Xmas
decorations. |
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