Our plan for this day was to have an easy start by looking around Åna-Sira and enjoying the setting of the Seldal summer place with its history as a Norwegian fisherman's home. We would then drive across the river into Vest-Agder and east to the city of Flekkefjord. Next our return route north would be on the faster main inland highway toward Stavanger. We would stop briefly at the Bjerkreim parish church. This would be a long day's drive but might get us north of Stavanger to the island of Finnøy in time for Gunleif to attend a board meeting. There at a wooden boat building and repair facility, the project of building a full-size sailing replica of the historic emigrant ship, the sloop Restauration, is in its early stages. This would also give Peg and Keith an opportunity to meet the other board members working toward this worthy and fascinating project. The weather would hold cool, but fair. However, on this crucial day, the memory card for our new camera would fail totally. Thanks to a very competent photography technician at Klepp Foto, many photos from this day were "rescued" from the defective card. Sadly, quite a few photos could not be saved - this being especially frustrating as over 2 dozen photos taken at the Finnøy boat building facility were among those lost to digital Never-Never-land.
In an e-mail from Board Member Arne Nordbø dated 4 Nov. 2007, the 3 photos below were sent & also include the information that the "boat shed" in which the replica will be built is finished. Two photos show the status of ship construction as of the end of October. While much still lies ahead, the ship's keel is now connected to the bow & stern timbers, giving the outline of the hull. |
Reisinga - Framework starts to take shape with bow & stern defined by these uprights. |
Fra stilk mot stavn - From stem to stern. |
Jørn med halvmodell og Clement teiknar - Board Member/Shipbuilder Jørn Magne Flesjå (right) with half-model & Board Member Maurice Clement (originally from New Zealand) works on technical drawing of the Restauration. |
On 8 Nov. 2007 Board Member Gunleif Seldal sent the 4 photos below: |
![]() Board Members inspect construction progress of Restauration replica on 1 Nov. '07 - Pictured (L to R): Maurice Eric Clement, Arne Nordbø, Per Inge Bøe, Jorunn Strand Vestbø, & Jørn Magne Flesjå. Not pictured: Gunleif Seldal who took this photo. |
Keith & Peg next to restoration project of another old Norwegian wooden boat at the Ryfylke Trebåtbyggeri facility on 18 Sep. '07. |
Photo on left: Cleng Peerson's house on Finnøy* Photo on right: Chair & desk in this house that was supposedly used by Cleng. *Cleng Peerson played a prominent historical role in Norwegian emigration, being the "advance scout" traveling to the US to make preparations for those coming in 1825 on the sloop Restauration. He was born & raised in Tysvær to the north, but lived here on Finnøy before going to the States. |
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