Photo Gallery & Impressions 17

This is a rather random collection of photos taken on several outings during July & August 2003. We, Peg & Keith, often enjoyed riding out from the Nursing College on the Honda 125 Dream borrowed from our good friend Ted Rose. We loved the beautiful scenery & the various views of Thai agriculture & country life.

A view across the sugar cane field towards the Nursing College - with a spirit house in the foreground.

Preparing a field for rice planting near the College. A wonderful level of technology - this small versatile tractor has many uses. 

A different tractor planes the rice paddy level just prior to planting. We called these "Troybilts" after our favorite US rototiller. 

The women on the left stand by ready to plant as the "Troybilt" makes it final passes.

In this field, as most typical in the Ban Pong area, the rice is planted by broadcasting seed.

This field gets a different planting treatment, as individual starts are planted.

We are not sure whether this scarecrow is to scare away birds or bad spirits..?

The bright green of a young rice field. We are told the usually get 2-3 crops of rice a year here.

At a favorite roadside rest stop, this lady tends a patch of plants we couldn't identify.

More rice fields far south of the College campus.

Here cut-out rubber tires are fitted on to the "Troybilt's" metal wheels to make it suitable for paved road travel.

A view of another "Troybilt" with its rubber shoes on.

Peg checks out a large fish farming pond south of the campus. Trusty Dream in foreground.

A very photogenic blue roofed house that we often passed on the canal road in to town.

Beauty in an agricultural ditch - the plentiful lotus.

A family herds the cows down a narrow path & we wonder why the cows know not to go out in to the rice paddies.

More interesting Thai cows with their long ears, humps & loose skin.

This cow is being lead across the road where she will be tethered in the ever plentiful forage.

These older haystacks are a common site in the countryside.

Maybe a pickup truck would be handier, but this efficient mode of farm hauling gets the job done cheaper.

The most plentiful farm "workhorse" - the small motorcycle.

A farm outbuilding of palm fronds - this probably a large chicken house.

Heading home ...

Peg's view from the bike's rear - Keith's helmet & face shield on left. Notice driving on left.

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