Photo albums: 1.
Bygdelag Photos 2.
Pottawattamie County/Wheelers Grove Photos *What is a Bygdelag? "Bygdelag are organizations comprised of descendants of emigrants from Norway to North America.
Every "Lag" seeks to preserve and strengthen bonds with its home district or community-of-origin in Norway." (from: http://www.fellesraad.com/#Bygdelag )
Kenneth O. Bjork's Forward to Odd S. Lovoll's A Folk Epic - The Bygdelag in
America, published by the Norwegian-American
Historical Association (NAHA) in 1975:
"The bygdelag ... were essentially social organizations of people from the same homeland district—usually rural.
They date their origin from 1899, when immigrants from Valdres met in Minneapolis.
More significantly, about fifty other lag with nationwide appeal were formed thereafter.
Many with members drawn from a limited geographical area also proudly made their appearance.
Their annual stevner (meetings), the high point of their activity, were colorful
demonstrations of local old-country speech, food, customs, and characteristics—a welcome relief to the transplanted Americans from the
monotony and strain of their everyday life."
Bygdelag Internet Links: