RIYADH. Located some 245 miles west of Dhahran, and capital of Saudi
Arabia, is the site of the headquarters of the Army section and of some
Army training activities. At present some officers and men are quartered
in adjoining buildings on the edge of the city and occupy three houses
of stucco over mud-brick construction. Quarters are air-conditioned, but
are crowded, with two or more persons to a room and five or six to each
bathroom. A private mess is operated, which individuals join by paying
an initial charge of $50. This may be paid in three increments in
successive months, and is returned upon change of station. Mess bills
are payable monthly and costs average about $3.00 per day. Laundry
services are performed by houseboys or work may be done by commercial
laundry. Dry-cleaning services are locally available at prices
approximating those of civilian establishments in the United States.
Offices are located in the Defense Ministry building, about a mile from
the quarters area.
A small exchange is operated by Army personnel. There is a limited
library, and pocket books and magazines are received regularly. Movies
are shown almost nightly for all personnel. [from pages 8-9,
U.S.M.T.M. info booklet, ca. 1960 >>] |
